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2024/03/28 |
New examples of toric NCCRs arising from conic modules(正標数の可換環論とその周辺 2024 in 淡路島) |
2. |
2024/03/12 |
Mutations and wall-crossings for dimer models associated to toric cDV singularities(Advances in Cluster Algebras 2024) |
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2024/01/11 |
Wall-and-chamber structures for algebras associated to toric cDV singularities(南大阪代数セミナー) |
4. |
2023/12/22 |
Projective crepant resolutions of toric cDV singularities and dimer combinatorics(McKay correspondence, Tilting theory and related topics) |
5. |
2023/09/12 |
Dimer models in representation theory (Gong show talk)(Silting in Representation Theory, Singularities, and Noncommutative Geometry) |
6. |
2023/09/07 |
Wall-and-chamber structures of stability parameters for some dimer quivers(第55回環論および表現論シンポジウム) |
7. |
2023/04/20 |
On crepant resolutions of toric cDV singularities(東京可換環論セミナー) |
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2023/03/14 |
Dimer combinatorics for toric cDV singularities(特異点セミナー) |
9. |
2022/10/28 |
Dimer combinatorics for 3-dimensional toric hypersurfaces(IPMU特異点セミナー) |
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2022/03/09 |
The Homological MMP for three dimensional toric hypersurfaces(可換環論の新しい融合セミナーII) |
11. |
2021/09/28 |
Combinatorial mutations of polytopes arising from plabic graphs(Infinite Analysis 21 Workshop Around Cluster Algebras) |
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2021/06/24 |
Combinatorial mutations and deformations of dimer models(Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar) |
13. |
2021/01/19 |
Representation theory of algebras arising from dimer models(OCAMI代数セミナー) |
14. |
2020/08/14 |
Combinatorial mutations of polygons via dimer models(McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics (Online)) |
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2020/07/13 |
On non-commutative crepant resolutions of toric singularities(阪大オンライン代数幾何学セ ミナー) |
16. |
2019/10/29 |
On Frobenius push-forward of Hibi rings(Commutative Algebra and Lattice Polytopes) |
17. |
2019/08/12 |
On deformations of dimer models(Mutations: Mirror Symmetry, Deformations, and Combinatorics) |
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2019/06/13 |
On generalized cluster categories associated to dimer models(Cluster Algebras 2019) |
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2019/05/13 |
Singularities having large F-signatures(特異点論月曜セミナー) |
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2019/03/24 |
On stable categories of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules of 3-dimensional Gorenstein toric rings(AMS Spring Central and Western Sectional Meeting : Special Session on Commutative Algebra) |
21. |
2019/02/22 |
Conic modules of toric rings and some applications to non-commutative resolutions(可換環論セミナー) |
22. |
2019/01/16 |
On Frobenius push-forward of Hibi rings(Frobenius action in Commutative algebra: Recent Developments) |
23. |
2018/12/07 |
McKay-type correspondence for three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities(京都大学代数幾何学セミナー) |
24. |
2018/12/03 |
McKay-type correspondence for three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities(特異点論月曜セミナー) |
25. |
2018/11/16 |
Representation theory of three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities(Workshop on McKay correspondence and noncommutative algebra) |
26. |
2018/09/19 |
Finite dimensional algebras arising from dimer models and their derived equivalences(第51回環論および表現論シンポジウム) |
27. |
2018/06/18 |
On non-commutative crepant resolutions for some toric rings(String-Math 2018) |
28. |
2018/04/30 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions of some toric rings(Higher homological algebra and cluster tilting) |
29. |
2017/12/08 |
Several algebras arising from dimer models(第21回静岡代数学セミナー) |
30. |
2017/11/16 |
On the Frobenius push-forward of Hibi rings(第39回可換環論シンポジウム) |
31. |
2017/11/06 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions for some toric singularities(特異点論月曜セミナー) |
32. |
2017/09/26 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions for some Hibi rings(Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics) |
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2017/09/04 |
Conic divisorial ideals of Hibi rings and their applications(第62回代数学シンポジウム) |
34. |
2017/07/25 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions for some Hibi rings(Matrix factorizations and related topics) |
35. |
2017/06/29 |
Mutations of non-commutative crepant resolutions arising from dimer models(GTM seminar) |
36. |
2017/05/19 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions for some Hibi rings(環論表現論セミナー) |
37. |
2017/05/15 |
Conic divisorial ideals of Hibi rings(特異点論月曜セミナー) |
38. |
2017/03/08 |
An introduction to dimer models from a viewpoint of algebra(第22回代数学若手研究会) |
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2017/02/21 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions arising from dimer models and their mutations(第7回 (非) 可換代数とトポロジー) |
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2016/09/25 |
Non-commutative crepant resolutions arising from dimer models and related topics I, II (連続講演)(第20回大和郡山セミナー) |
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2016/09/01 |
Mutations of splitting maximal modifying modules arising from dimer models(第49回環論および表現論シンポジウム) |
42. |
2016/06/16 |
Ulrich modules over quotient surface singularities(Non-commutative crepant resolutions, Ulrich modules and generalizations of the McKay correspondence) |
43. |
2016/03/12 |
Mutations of dimer models and splitting maximal modifying modules(Cluster Algebras and Geometry) |
44. |
2016/02/19 |
An introduction to dimer models and related topics I, II, III (連続講演)(第3回ワークショップ非可換Gorenstein代数とその周辺) |
45. |
2016/01/25 |
Steady non-commutative crepant resolutions arising from dimer models(第28回可換環論セミ ナー) |
46. |
2015/11/24 |
An introduction to dimer models from a viewpoint of commutative algebra(第2回グレブナーセミナー) |
47. |
2015/11/19 |
Singularities characterized by non-commutative crepant resolutions(第37回可換環論シンポジウム) |
48. |
2015/03/21 |
2次元巡回商特異点上のUlrich加群(日本数学会年会) |
49. |
2015/02/24 |
Ulrich modules over cyclic quotient surface singularities(Advanced Algebra Seminar for Degree Candidates) |
50. |
2015/02/16 |
Some F-invariants for quotient singularities(Homological bonds between Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory) |
51. |
2015/01/27 |
Rank one MCM modules coming from dimer models(第27回可換環論セミナー) |
52. |
2014/11/22 |
Ulrich modules over cyclic quotient surface singularities(第36回可換環論シンポジウム) |
53. |
2014/08/01 |
Dual F-signature of special Cohen-Macaulay modules(Commutative Algebra and Singularity Theory 2014,) |
54. |
2014/07/07 |
Conic divisorial ideals via dimer models(第3回岡山可換代数表現セミナー(OSCAR3)) |
55. |
2014/06/16 |
Relations between Frobenius push-forward and non-commutative crepant resolutions : Examples via dimer models(日大特異点セミナー) |
56. |
2014/03/15 |
有理2重点におけるCohen-Macaulay加群のdual F-signature について(日本数学会年会) |
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2014/02/14 |
F-signature of invariant subrings and its generalization(Nagoya-Warwick Workshop on Geometry of orbifolds, McKay correspondence and representation theory) |
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2013/12/04 |
Dual F-signature of Cohen-Macaulay modules over quotient surface singularities(第35回可換環論シンポジウム) |
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2013/11/06 |
Dual F-signature of Cohen-Macaulay modules over quotient surface singularities(Birational Geometry and Singularities in Positive Characteristic) |
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2013/09/25 |
2次元巡回商特異点におけるCohen-Macaulay加群のdual F-signatureについて(日本数学会 2013年度秋季総合分科会) |
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2013/09/19 |
Dual F-signature of Cohen-Macaulay modules over rational double points(環論表現論セミ ナー) |
62. |
2013/03/20 |
Generalized F-signature of invariant subrings(日本数学会年会) |
63. |
2013/03/19 |
Dual F-signature of special Cohen-Macaulay modules over cyclic quotient surface singularities(第18回代数学若手研究会) |
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2013/02/16 |
Generalized and Dual F-signature of invariant subrings(第13回大和郡山セミナー) |
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2013/02/01 |
Dual F-signature of special Cohen-Macaulay modules over cyclic quotient surface singularities(第25回可換環論セミナー) |
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2012/11/25 |
Generalized F-signature of invariant subrings(第34回可換環論シンポジウム) |
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2012/11/15 |
Generalized F-signature of invariant subrings and F-signature of Special Cohen-Macaulay modules(可換環論名古屋セミナー) |