業績 |
■ 学会発表
■ 著書・論文歴
1. |
2022/11 |
著書 |
Longitudinal Studies of Second Language Learning (共著) |
2. |
2020 |
論文 |
Examining Grammatical Difficulty Obtained from Written Tests, Sentence Repetition, and Processability Theory (22),pp.68-87 (単著) |
3. |
2019 |
論文 |
Comparing the Order of Difficulty and the Order of Appearance in Textbooks: Do Easy Grammar Points Appear Early in Textbooks? NIDABA (48),pp.80-89 (単著) |
4. |
2014 |
論文 |
A Rasch analysis of grammatical difficulty: What influences item difficulty? JACET Kansai Journal (16),pp.50-70 (単著) |
5. |
2014 |
論文 |
A Rasch analysis of TOEIC Reading Items 京都産業大学 総合学術研究所所報 (9),pp.1-15 (単著) |
6. |
2013 |
論文 |
A Rasch analysis of TOEIC item difficulty 京都産業大学 総合学術研究所所報 (8),pp.137-144 (単著) |
7. |
2012 |
論文 |
Investigating an order of grammatical difficulty: A review of literature 京都産業大学論集 人文科学系列 (45),pp.59-79 (単著) |
8. |
2012 |
論文 |
The order of grammar item difficulty: A preliminary analysis NIDABA (41),pp.127-136 (単著) |
9. |
2011 |
論文 |
A Rasch measurement analysis of grammar item difficulty Proceedings of the 2010 Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium pp.30-36 (単著) |
10. |
2009 |
論文 |
A FACETS analysis of motivation and instructional preferences: How are English majors different from non-English majors 京都産業大学論集 人文科学系列 (40),pp.175-194 (単著) |
11. |
2008 |
論文 |
Motivation and instructional preferences: Are English majors different from non-English majors NIDABA (37),pp.76-85 (単著) |
12. |
2007 |
論文 |
Is test preparation instruction effective in improving scores of the grammar section of the TOEIC 京都産業大学論集 人文科学系列 (36),pp.93-104 (単著) |
13. |
2006 |
論文 |
An experiment to improve listening skills and TOEIC scores NIDABA (35),pp.48-55 (単著) |
14. |
2006 |
論文 |
Teaching grammar for the TOEIC test: Is test preparation instruction effective Glottodidactica (32),pp.139-146 (単著) |
15. |
2004 |
論文 |
The effect of form-focused instruction on Japanese college students NIDABA (33),pp.72-80 (単著) |
経歴 |
■ 学歴
■ 職歴
■ 教育上の能力
■ 所属学会
その他 |
■ 社会における活動
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
■ 現在の専門分野