1. |
2024 |
論文 |
Ballou's Ancestral Inbreeding Coefficient: Formulation and New Estimate with Higher Reliability Animals 14(1844) (単著)  |
2. |
2024 |
論文 |
Polyandry may mitigate the negative impact of reproductive interference among bumblebees in Japan The Science of Nature 111(31) (共著) |
3. |
2023 |
論文 |
アジア盲導犬繁殖ネットワークにおける繁殖犬選抜のための選抜形質の導出と遺伝的パラメーターの推定 日本畜産学会報 94(1),15-25頁 (共著) |
4. |
2023 |
論文 |
アジア盲導犬繁殖ネットワークにおける繁殖犬選抜のための選抜指数の作成 日本畜産学会報 94(1),27-33頁 (共著) |
5. |
2023 |
論文 |
ジーン・ドロッピング・シミュレーションから得られる結果の部分共祖係数による決定論的計算 日本畜産学会報 94(4),413-425頁 (単著) |
6. |
2022 |
論文 |
Factors contributing to the swimmer puppy syndrome found in Labrador retrievers BMC Veterinary Research 22,pp.120-126 (共著) |
7. |
2021/11 |
論文 |
不完全な繁殖隔離下でのミツバチの小集団における近交度と選抜反応 日本畜産学会報 92(4),455-463頁 (共著) |
8. |
2021 |
論文 |
A molecular genetic method for estimating nest density without explicit definition of habitat area Journal of Insect Conservation 25,pp.695-706 (共著) |
9. |
2021 |
論文 |
Simple method for combining multiple-loci marker genotypes to estimate diploid male proportion, with an application to a threatened bumble bee population in Japan Insectes Sociaux 70,pp.141-147 (共著) |
10. |
2021 |
論文 |
ハチ類の育種-最近の研究動向 昆虫と自然 56(7),28-31頁 (共著) |
11. |
2019 |
論文 |
Low mitochondrial DNA variation in the endangered bumble bee Bombus cryptraum florilegus Journal of Apicultural Reseach 58 (共著) |
12. |
2018 |
論文 |
Characterization of the complete sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA of Japanese rare bumblebee species Bombus cryptarum florilegus Conservation Genetics Resources 10,pp.387-391 (共著) |
13. |
2018 |
論文 |
Comparison of four mating systems for maintenance of honeybee colonies in terms of the inbreeding coefficient and effective population size Journal of Animal Genetics 46,3-11頁 (共著) |
14. |
2018 |
論文 |
Genetic structure of the bumble bee Bombus hypocrita sapporoensis, a potential domestic pollinator for crops in Japan Journal of Apicultural Reseach 57,pp.203-213 (共著) |
15. |
2018 |
論文 |
Maximum avoidance of inbreeding in haplodiploid populations Mathematical Biosciences 306,pp.49-55 (単著) |
16. |
2018 |
論文 |
アジア盲導犬繁殖ネットワークの盲導犬集団の繁殖構造 日本介助犬学会研究 12,40-46頁 (共著) |
17. |
2018 |
論文 |
分子遺伝マーカーからマルハナバチ集団のコロニー密度を推定するための新規な方法 計量生物学 39,23-36頁 (単著) |
18. |
2017 |
著書 |
動物遺伝育種学 (共著) |
19. |
2017 |
論文 |
Complete mitochondriak genome of the Japanese bumblebee, Bombus hypocrita hypocrita (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources (共著) |
20. |
2015 |
論文 |
Genetic differentiation in the endangered myrmecophilous butterfly Niphanda fusca: a comaparison of natural and secondary habitats Conservation Genetics 16:979-986 (共著) |
21. |
2013 |
著書 |
ウシの科学 (共著) |
22. |
2012 |
著書 |
最新農業技術 畜産 vol.4 (共著) |
23. |
2012 |
論文 |
Effective population size in eusoicail Hymenoptera with worker-produced males Heredity 109,pp.261-268 (共著) |
24. |
2011 |
著書 |
生物統計学 (共著) |
25. |
2008 |
論文 |
Effective size of age-structured populations with cyclic change in size Japanese Journal of Biometrics 29/1,45-59 (共著) |
26. |
2008 |
論文 |
Estimation of effective number of breeders from molecular coancestry of single cohort sample Evolutionary Applications 1/,462-474 (単著) |
27. |
2008 |
論文 |
Fixation probability of a neutral gene in an age-structured population with cyclic change in size Japanese Journal of Biometrics 29/1,35-43 (単著) |
28. |
2008 |
論文 |
豚の閉鎖育種集団の有効な大きさと近交度:Ⅰ.血統分析 日本養豚学会誌 45/3,149-155 (共著) |
29. |
2008 |
論文 |
豚の閉鎖育種集団の有効な大きさと近交度: Ⅱ.複数の形質に対する選抜下での予測 日本養豚学会誌 45/3,156-163 (共著) |
30. |
2007 |
著書 |
変量効果の推定とBLUP法 (共著) |
31. |
2007 |
論文 |
Comparison of selection and mating systems for maintenance of closed poultry lines using several breeding cages Journal of Poultry Science 44/2,146-152 (単著) |
32. |
2006 |
論文 |
Evaluation of genetic diversity in Japanese Brown cattle population by pedigree analysis Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 123/,172-179 (共著) |
33. |
2006 |
論文 |
見島牛の集団構造と遺伝的多様性 在来家畜研究会報告 23/,173-187 (共著) |
34. |
2005 |
論文 |
Conservation of genetic diversity in the Japanese Black cattle population by the construction of partially isolated lines Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 122/,188-194 (共著) |
35. |
2005 |
論文 |
Developments in prediction theories of the effective size of populations under selection Animal Science Journal 76/,87-96 (単著) |
36. |
2005 |
論文 |
Effective population size under random mating with a finite number of matings Genetics 171/,1441-1442 (単著) |
37. |
2005 |
論文 |
Effective size of populations under partial inbreeding and selection on a set of linked additive genes Biometrical Journal 47/,563-584 (単著) |
38. |
2005 |
論文 |
Joint effect of selection, linkage and partial inbreeding on additive genetic variance in an infinite population Biometrical Journal 47/,527-540 (単著) |
39. |
2005 |
論文 |
Methods for minimizing the loss of genetic diversity in conserved populations with overlapping generations Conservation Genetics 6/,655-663 (単著) |
40. |
2005 |
論文 |
Monitoring and preservation of genetic diversity in livestock breeds: a case study of the Japanese Black cattle population Current Topics in Genetics 1/,59-71 (共著) |
41. |
2005 |
論文 |
Prediction of inbreeding in commercial females maintained by rotational mating with partially isolated sire lines Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 122/,340-348 (共著) |
42. |
2004 |
論文 |
A comparison of restricted selection procedures to control genetic gains Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 121/,90-100 (共著) |
43. |
2004 |
論文 |
Monitoring of genetic diversity in the Japanese Black cattle population by the use of pedigree information Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 121/,242-252 (共著) |
44. |
2004 |
論文 |
Reduction of inbreeding in commercial females by rotational mating with several sire lines Genetics, Selection, Evolution 36/,509-526 (共著) |
45. |
2003 |
その他 |
和牛の集団構造について (単著) |
46. |
2002 |
論文 |
Effective size of populations with heritable variation in fitness Heredity 89/,413-416 (単著) |
47. |
2002 |
論文 |
Effective size of populations with unequal sex ratio and variation in mating success Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118/,297-310 (単著) |
48. |
2002 |
論文 |
Gene dropping analysis of founder contributions in a closed Japanese Black cattle population Animal Science Journal 73,105-111 (共著) |
49. |
2002 |
論文 |
Optimization of selection and mating schemes in closed broiler lines Animal Science Journal 73/,435-443 (単著) |
50. |
2002 |
論文 |
Pedigree analysis of genetic subdivision in a population of Japanese Black cattle Animal Science Journal 73/,445-452 (共著) |
51. |
2001 |
論文 |
Comparison of selection schemes for achieving desired genetic gains in closed broiler lines Animal Science Journal 72,386-394 (共著) |
52. |
2001 |
論文 |
Genetic diversity of a closed population of Japanese Black cattle in Hyogo prefecture Animal Science Journal 72/,378-385 (共著) |
53. |
2001 |
論文 |
Inbreeding and effective population size of Japanese Black cattle Journal of Animal Science 79/,P366-370 (共著) |
54. |
2001 |
論文 |
動物育種におけるシミュレーテッド・アニーリングを利用した選抜と交配の最適化 計量生物学 22/,37-52 (共著) |
55. |
2000 |
論文 |
Effective population size and inbreeding under selection Genetic Dirersity and Conservation of Animal Genet 2/,5-24 (単著) |
56. |
2000 |
論文 |
選抜と連鎖が集団の有効な大きさに及ぼす影響 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 21/,89-101 (単著) |
57. |
1999 |
論文 |
A mating system to reduce inbreeding in selection programmes: Theoretical basis and modification of compensatory mating Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 116/,351-361 (単著) |
58. |
1999 |
論文 |
A theoretical basis for measuring the efficiency of selection in plant breeding Heredity 82/,401-408 (共著) |
59. |
1999 |
論文 |
Effective population size in supportive breeding Conservation Biology 13/3,670-672 (単著) |
60. |
1999 |
論文 |
Genetic analysis of direct and maternal effects for calf market and carcass weights in Japanese Black Cattle Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 12/6,843-845 (共著) |
61. |
1999 |
論文 |
Inbreeding coefficient and effectine size of finite populations with a specitied proportion of sib-matings Japanese Journal of Biometrics 20/1,31-39 (単著) |
62. |
1999 |
論文 |
Inbreeding coefficient and effective population size of finite populations with a specified proportion of sib-mating Japanese Journal of Biometrics 20/,31-39 (単著) |
63. |
1999 |
論文 |
On the methods for predicting the effective size of populations under selection Heredity 83/,485-489 (単著) |
64. |
1999 |
論文 |
Prediction of response and inbreeding under selection based on best linear unbiased prediction in closed broiler lines Animal Science Journal 70/5,273-281 (共著) |
65. |
1999 |
論文 |
施設内繁殖を利用した野生動物の増殖計画の集団遺伝学 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 20/,135-143 (単著) |
66. |
1998 |
論文 |
Effective Population Size under Marker-Assisted Selection Bulletin of the Institute for National Land Utilization /19,117-128 (単著) |
67. |
1998 |
論文 |
Maternal effects on carcass traits in Japanese Black steers (Wagyu) Animal Science and Technology 69/4,365-369 (共著) |
68. |
1998 |
論文 |
選抜集団における近交度抑制方法の比較:Triboliumを用いた実験による検討 日本畜産学会報 69/1,32-39 (共著) |
69. |
1998 |
論文 |
遺伝マーカーを用いた量的形質の選抜下での集団の有効な大きさ 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 /19,117-128 (単著) |
70. |
1998 |
論文 |
黒毛和種の枝肉形質に対する母性効果の影響 日本畜産学会報 69/4,365-369 (共著) |
71. |
1997 |
論文 |
A simulation study on variation in response to selection and population size required for selection programmes Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 114/,13-21 (単著) |
72. |
1997 |
論文 |
Effective population size for a sex-linked locus in populations under selection Mathematical Biosciences 142/,79-89 (単著) |
73. |
1997 |
論文 |
On the effective size of nonrandom mating populations under selection Japanese Journal of Biometrics 18/,1-11 (単著) |
74. |
1997 |
論文 |
Prediction of Effectire Size of Population under selection 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 18/,78-91 (単著) |
75. |
1997 |
論文 |
Prediction of effective population size in open nucleus breeding systems Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 114/,333-347 (単著) |
76. |
1997 |
論文 |
豚の閉鎖集団における近交度の予測 日本畜産学会報 68/3,318-324 |
77. |
1997 |
論文 |
選抜集団の有効な大きさの予測について 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 18/,78-91 |
78. |
1996 |
論文 |
A comparison of four systems of group mating for avoiding inbreeding Genetics, Selection, Evolution 28/,141-159 (共著) |
79. |
1996 |
論文 |
A note on response to selection in non-random mating populations Biometrical Journal 38/1,107-112 (単著) |
80. |
1996 |
論文 |
Effective size of selected populations with overlapping generations Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 113/1,1-16 (単著) |
81. |
1996 |
論文 |
Effectiveness of some mangement procedures for seed regeneration of plant genetic resources accessions Genetica 43/,517-524 (共著) |
82. |
1996 |
論文 |
Prediction of response to selection and inbreeding coefficient under assortative mating Biometrical Journal 3/38,333-346 (単著) |
83. |
1996 |
論文 |
Response to selection and inbreeding depression in a dynamic population for amount of inbreeding Biometrical Journal 38/,113-118 (単著) |
84. |
1996 |
論文 |
兵庫県における黒毛和種の集団構造 日本畜産学会報 67/3,286-290 |
85. |
1996 |
論文 |
兵庫県黒毛和種における産地別分集団の集団構造 日本畜産学会報 67/3,291-296 |
86. |
1996 |
論文 |
家畜集団の構造と有効な大きさ 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 /17,86-97 (単著) |
87. |
1996 |
論文 |
選抜集団における近交度の予測について 京都産業大学論集自然科学系列II 27/5,65-101 (単著) |
88. |
1995 |
論文 |
期待後代差に基づく褐毛和種種雄牛の交配頻度の最適化 日本畜産学会報 66/9,773-779 (共著) |
89. |
1995 |
論文 |
期待後代差に基づく褐毛和種種雄牛の選抜方法に関する検討 日本畜産学会報 66/6,533-539 (共著) |
90. |
1994 |
論文 |
On a Merit of Mate Selection with a Limited Maximum of Inbreeding Coefficient of Progeny Animals Animal Science and Technology 65/,55-59 (共著) |
91. |
1994 |
論文 |
アニマルモデルBLUP法による選抜下での近親交配の抑制について 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 15,82-90 (単著) |
92. |
1993 |
著書 |
量的遺伝学入門 (共著) |
93. |
1993 |
論文 |
育種計画における交配の最適化について 京都産業大学国土利用開発研究所紀要 14,114-126 |
94. |
1990 |
論文 |
Genetic correlations among life history characters of adult females in the Azuki Bean Weevil, Callosobruchus Chinensis (L.) (Coreoptera: Bruchidae) Applied Entomology and Zoology 25/,423-430 (共著) |
95. |
1989 |
論文 |
Computer-simulated evaluation of the hybrid weakness gene system as a means of preventing genetic cotamination of rice cultivars Plant Breeding 104/,241-247 (共著) |
96. |
1988 |
論文 |
Conditions favouring doubled haploid breeding over conventional breeding of self-fertilizing crops Euphytica 36/2 (共著) |
97. |
1988 |
論文 |
多変量解析による黒毛和種集団の遺伝的分化に関する研究 日本畜産学会報 59/11 (共著) |
98. |
1988 |
論文 |
黒毛和種における増殖県の集団構造ならびにそれらと種牛供給県との間の血縁度 日本畜産学会報 59/10 (共著) |
99. |
1987 |
論文 |
中国地方における黒毛和種集団の繁殖構造と遺伝学的分析 日本畜産学会報 58/1 (共著) |
100. |
1986 |
論文 |
黒毛和種における県間での種雄牛の動きおよび各府県集団の遺伝的寄与からみた繁殖構造 日本畜産学会報 57/5 (共著) |
101. |
1986 |
論文 |
黒毛和種登録牛における親牛の年齢構成および父牛の多様性からみた繁殖構造 日本畜産学会報 57/4 (共著) |