研究概要 |
■ 研究概要
Community care and welfare in the Philippines: Case study of post-Haiyan Leyte
フィリピンにおけるコミュニティ・ケア・福祉: 台風Haiyan後のレイテ島の事例
本研究は、福祉コミュニティという概念に基づき、自然災害災害からの「復興」で、コミュニティ・ケアの制度的・非制度的な実践を介してコミュニティそのものがどのようにケアされうるのかという問いをさぐります。調査では、フィリピンにあるレイテ島でフィールドワークをする予定であり、フィリピンにおける福祉レジーム(国家、家族、共同体、市場の関係性)の分析や、ケア・アクターの相互干渉関係についてのシステム論的分析枠組みを提示します。市民社会の形成が進んでいるといわれるフィリピンにおける具体的な事例を通して考察する。貧困に苦しむ被災地での「復興」を、困難な状況から「Build back better」創造的なプロセスとして捉え、その取り組みがどのようにコミュニティを再構築するのか、また、不登校な子供たち、土地を持たない農民、貧困に苦しむ失業者や低所得者の包摂と再統合の取り組みにつながることに焦点を当てます。 |
業績 |
■ 学会発表
1. |
2023/12/02 |
Risks, Poverty and Resilience in the Philippines(国際公共経済学会 第38回研究大会) |
2. |
2022/08/18 |
Resettling and Resilience in Vulnerable Places: Filipino Migrant Returnees in Post-Haiyan Leyte During a Pandemic(The 21st Nordic Migration Research (NMR) Conference) |
3. |
2021/08/27 |
Migrants, Returnees and Post-Disaster Recovery in Vulnerable Places(The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12)) |
4. |
2019/11/28 |
Ibasho and post - disaster reconstruction: Mutual help, sense of place and wellbeing of migrants(Migration, Health and Wellbeing conference) |
5. |
2019/09/26 |
Building back better with Vulnerability: Post-Haiyan reflections on Risk Perception(6th International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health Risk: Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes) |
6. |
2019/09/26 |
Importance of Self-help and Mutual assistance among Migrants during Natural disasters(6th International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health Risk: Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes) |
7. |
2019/09/12 |
When Places and People Are Vulnerable: Thinking About Resilience and Sustainability in Post-Haiyan Leyte(10th European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Conference) |
8. |
2018/12/08 |
Building back better after disasters: The Role of Commons and Community(「ASEANと日本:未来に向かっての一層の協力」ワークショップ) |
9. |
2017/08/17 |
After Haiyan: Building-back-better Commons and Community in Leyte for sustainability and human security(The Ninth European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS)) |
10. |
2017/07/21 |
New Public Commons, disaster reconstruction and resilient migrants(The 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 10)) |
11. |
2017/07/01 |
Factors affecting the resilience of Filipino migrants: Evidence from the 2011 Christchurch and the Great East Japan earthquakes(International Seminar on Quality of Life, Governance, and Technology) |
12. |
2016/12/16 |
Placemaking in Kyoto: Sustaining the Sense of Pride and Place(The 5th International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association in Southeast Asia 15-16 December, 2016) |
13. |
2016/12/15 |
Post-disaster Reconstruction Activities of Filipinos in Japan(The 5th International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association in Southeast Asia 15-16 December, 2016) |
14. |
2015/07/07 |
“Sense of place and resilience of migrants: A case study of Filipino community activities and disaster recovery efforts in Tohoku”(9th International Conference of Asian Scholars (July 6-9, 2015) Adelaide, Australia) |
15. |
2014/03 |
学生の災害復興ボランティア活動の教育 プログラム化に関する調査研究(平成25年度地域志向教育研究(COC)兵庫県立大学ポスターセッション発表会) |
16. |
2014/01/13 |
Regional Development and Social Entrepreneurship in the Philippines: Turning Migration Strategy on Its Head. (Revised)(Invited public lecture sponsored by the Ryukoku University Afrasian Research Centre and University of the Philippines Third World Studies Center) |
17. |
2013/11/08 |
Regional Development and Social Entrepreneurship in the Philippines: Turning Migration Strategy on Its Head.(2013 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies (November 7-9, 2013), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.) |
18. |
2007/05/05 |
“Kyoto: A Sense of Pride and Place”(Presented at the Kyoto Day Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank, May 5, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.) |
19. |
2005/07/03 |
Market Access in Non-Metro Manila Regions(Proceedings of 10th Japan-Philippine National Research Forum, Kanagawa University, 2-3 July, 2005) |
20. |
2002/11/30 |
Economic Liberalization and Market Access in a small LDC:The Case of the Philippines(第16回応用地域学会(岡山大学)) |
21. |
2001/11/04 |
Determinants of Location of Manufacturing FDIs in the Philippines: 1980-1998(第15回応用地域学会(札幌学院大学)) |
22. |
2000/05/17 |
An Analysis of the Location Behavior of Japanese FDIs in the Philippines:1980-1998(The 6th Regional Science Association International (RSAI) World Congress 第6回国際地域学会) |
■ 著書・論文歴
1. |
2022/03 |
著書 |
Garces-Ozanne, Arlene, Makabenta-Ikeda Maria, Uekusa, Shinya. (2022) “Asian migrant worker experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch”. In Uekusa, Shinya etal (Eds.) A Decade of Disaster Experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch Critical Disaster Studies Perspectives, Chapter 10. Springer. Hardcover ISBN 978-981-16-6862-3. A Decade of Disaster Experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch Critical Disaster Studies Perspectives (共著) |
2. |
2019/12 |
論文 |
Building Back Better with Vulnerability: Post-Haiyan Reflections on Risk Perception WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (Disaster Management and Human Health Risk VI) 190 (共著)  |
3. |
2019/12 |
論文 |
Importance of Self-help and Mutual Assistance among Migrants during Natural Disasters WIT Transactions on The Built Environment (Disaster Management and Human Health Risk VI) 190,65-77頁 (共著)  |
4. |
2017/07 |
その他 |
Factors affecting the resilience of Filipino migrants: Evidence from the 2011 Christchurch and the Great East Japan earthquakes International Seminar on Quality of Life, Governance, and Technology (共著) |
5. |
2016/03 |
論文 |
Human Security, Social Competence and Natural Disasters in Japan and New Zealand: A Case study of Filipino migrants Japan Social Innovation Journal 6(1),pp.42-60 (共著)  |
6. |
2013 |
論文 |
Bridging the Gaps: The Atikha Experience in Migration and Development in the Philippines Research Series Studies on Multicultural Societies 3(1),pp.67-74 (単著) |
7. |
2012 |
論文 |
Leadership and Social Innovation initiatives at the Grassroots during Crises Japan Social Innovation Journal 2(1),pp.77-81 (共著) |
8. |
2009 |
論文 |
コンピュータ・ICT関連分野を選ぶ女性の決定要因分析:京都とパルドゥビッツェ(チェコ共和国)における事前研究調査結果 Nippon Association for Information Systems (NAIS) 4(1),38-42頁 (共著) |
9. |
2008 |
論文 |
The Japanese Software Puzzle Revisited Nippon Association for Information Systems (NAIS) 3(1),pp.18-23 (共著) |
10. |
2008 |
論文 |
“The Japanese Software Puzzle Revisited” Nippon Association for Information Systems (NAIS) 4(1),18-23頁 (共著) |
11. |
2007 |
論文 |
“Kyoto: A Sense of Pride and Place” Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Asia pp.20-31 (単著) |
12. |
2007 |
論文 |
“Understanding the University/Industry Gap” Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engi 5-9頁 (共著) |
13. |
2006 |
論文 |
Interface Economics and Management: Transaction Cost Perspective Kyoto University Faculty of Economics Working Pape (共著) |
14. |
2005/07 |
論文 |
Market Access in Non-Metro Manila Regions. Proceedings of the 10th Japan-Philippine National (単著) |
15. |
2002 |
論文 |
Economic Liberalization and Market Access in a small LDC:The Case of the Philippines (単著) |
16. |
2002 |
論文 |
FDI Location and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the Philippines Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 14(1),pp.59-77 (単著) |
17. |
2001 |
論文 |
FDI Location and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the Philippines (単著) |
18. |
2000 |
論文 |
An Analysis of the Location Behavior of Japanese FDIs in the Philippines:1980-1998 The 6th Regional Science Association International (単著) |
経歴 |
■ 学歴
■ 職歴
■ 主要学科目
アジア経済英語講義,上級英語プローグラムII, IV,入門セミナー、データ処理セミナー,演習など |
その他 |
■ 受賞学術賞