オダ ヒデノリ   ODA HIDENORI
  小田 秀典
   所属   京都産業大学  経済学部 経済学科
   職種   教授
発行・発表の年月 2006
形態種別 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
査読 査読あり
標題 Analysis of purchase decision making: Network externalities and asymmetric information
執筆形態 その他
掲載誌名 Intelligent Autonomous Systems 9, IAS 2006
巻・号・頁 515-522頁
著者・共著者 Yohei Kaneko,Nariaki Nishino,Sobei H. Oda,Kanji Ueda
概要 Product markets in which network externalities are present have been expanding through technological development. In such markets, information about users strongly affects purchase decision-making because a consumer's utility depends on the number of users. Although complete information is assumed in most studies of network externalities, it is difficult for consumers to obtain complete information in the real world. We construct a model of multiple-product market with network externalities. This model subsumes that each consumer has asymmetric information with respect to others' purchase decision-making. We analyze purchase decisions using game theory, multi-agent simulation, and experiments with human subjects. Results imply the following important features: (1) a monopolistic market arises when consumers neglect their own preferences and purchase the same products that others do; (2) a market becomes inefficient because of asymmetric information; (3) irrational decision-making might increase total surplus; and (4) much information does not always increase consumers' utilities. © 2006 The authors.