シオヅ ユリカ
  塩津 ゆりか
   所属   京都産業大学  経済学部 経済学科
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2019
形態種別 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
査読 査読あり
標題 Relationship Between Difference of Motivation and Behavior Change Caused by Visualization
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
出版社・発行元 Springer
巻・号・頁 11569 LNCS,pp.489-499
担当区分 筆頭著者,責任著者
著者・共著者 Yurika Shiozu,Koya Kimura,Ryo Shioya,Katsunori Shimohara,Katsuhiko Yonezaki
概要 This study aims to verify the hypothesis that altruism makes others change their behavior. We developed an original system and application which collect global positioning system (GPS) data add photos on the maps and share them between subjects. The results show that the map of safety for children has more pictures with multiple approvals, and some pictures on the map of recommended course for a walk have no approval. This suggests that the difference in motivation makes subjects express more approvals. With statistical analysis, we try to show that some type of visualization of GPS data may become a nudge.
PermalinkURL https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/hci/2019-4
researchmap用URL https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/hci/hci2019-4.html#ShiozuKSSY19